
For the “extended cut” version of About Me, feel free to check out my first post, “What Am I Doing.” In short, I love Jesus. I am a full-time missionary with a missions training organization. I am married to my missionary husband, A.

Our ministry/every-day-life is fully-funded by friends & family who support our mission. We strive to be the best stewards of the gifts & talents God has given us, including our finances. We plan, and budget, and especially enjoy Dave Ramsey’s teachings on money.

A & I have been married for just over seven years. We found out in the last five, that we struggle with infertility. This has driven a desire in me to learn more about how our bodies function and how nutrition and self-care play into our health.

Even before learning about our infertility, we’ve desired to adopt. Three years ago, that led us to the road of foster care. We just celebrated our three-year anniversary of fostering littles, and have enjoyed loving on the littles who have come into our home.

That’s me in a nutshell… I seem to be all over the place and often overwhelmed; and I thought, surely I can’t be the only one?! Won’t you join me in the crazy endeavor in doing life & loving well?